There was some great energy at the Homecoming game on Friday! We're proud of our T-Birds!
11 months ago, GFW Public Schools
Football team
Homecoming royalty
Cheering section
Congratulations to the Homecoming Royalty!
11 months ago, GFW Public Schools
Homecoming court
Homecoming court
We'll just let the photos do the talking on this one.
11 months ago, GFW Public Schools
Go T-Birds
Go T-birds
Staff got into the spirit of Rhyme Without Reason day yesterday!
11 months ago, GFW Public Schools
Teacher and student
The Floral Design class took a field trip today to Milkhouse Flowers just outside of Glencoe. They learned what a flower farmer does and how they operate their business and were able to see some late crop flowers. They loved getting to visit a local business for class!
12 months ago, GFW Public Schools
Class at a flower farm
class presentation at a flower farm
Class at a flower farm
Student at a flower farm
There's lots of school spirit in GFW!
12 months ago, GFW Public Schools
We love seeing our students using their talents while being supported by the GFW Community!
12 months ago, GFW Public Schools
Students had a great time getting excited at the Elementary Homecoming Pep Fest!
12 months ago, GFW Public Schools
Students high fiving
Students high fiving
Students high fiving
students at the pep fest
students playing a game with carts
student racing
student racing
Elementary students cheering
Students high fiving
Homecoming Candidates showed off some serious secret handshake skills!
12 months ago, GFW Public Schools
Homecoming Candidates
Homecoming Candidates
Homecoming Candidates
Homecoming Candidates
Homecoming Candidates
Student in Mrs. Kammerlander's FACS classes celebrated Bomb Pop Day with a special treat!
12 months ago, GFW Public Schools
Students eating bomb pops
Students eating bomb pops
Here are our Homecoming Candidates! Homecoming is full of fun so far!
12 months ago, GFW Public Schools
Homecoming candidates
Homecoming candidates
Homecoming candidates
Homecoming candidates
Homecoming candidates
Homecoming candidates
Despite the best efforts of the underclassmen, the Seniors won the Annual Cream Puff Volleyball Tournament!
12 months ago, GFW Public Schools
Volleyball serve
The champions
Volleyball fans
Volleyball celebration
Students at GFW Middle School and High School are enjoying delicious breakfast options! Today's menu featured parfaits with strawberry yogurt and peaches with granola or plain yogurt and peaches with granola.
12 months ago, GFW Public Schools
We love when the Football players visit the Elementary School. Everyone had a great time!
12 months ago, GFW Public Schools
Football buddies
Football buddies
Football buddies
Football buddies
Here are some impressive cheerleading skills from members of our GFW Community!
12 months ago, GFW Public Schools
The GFW Class of 2003 held their 20 year Class Reunion this past weekend. Time flies when you're a GFW Thunderbird!
12 months ago, GFW Public Schools
GFW class of 2003
Students are making beautiful music at GFW High School!
12 months ago, GFW Public Schools
Football players from GFW Middle School have started their season. Be sure to cheer on these students!
12 months ago, GFW Public Schools
Football players
GFW Community Education Trip: Church Basement Ladies: A Mighty Fortress Is Our Basement on Wednesday, September 27. Back by popular demand! The Church Basement Ladies are at it again! After an included lunch buffet at Q. Cumbers, which features a 50’ long salad bar, a variety of hot entrees, soup and ice cream/dessert bar, we’re on our way to the Ames Center in Burnsville for A Mighty Fortress Is Our Basement! Call Tonia Schiro at 507-207-2236 for more information!
12 months ago, GFW Public Schools
Church Basement Ladies
For GFW football players, being part of a team is about more than practices and games. When the Winthrop Lodge reached out and asked if any football players could help to wash the exterior part of their windows, 13 players volunteered. The team has done other volunteer activities in the and continues to show their commitment to the GFW Community on and off the field.
12 months ago, GFW Public Schools
Football players washing windows
Football players washing windows
Football players washing windows
Football players washing windows
Football players washing windows