Pre K and Elementary teachers spent today in LETRS training to learn more on the Science of Reading!
about 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
Teachers in training
Teachers in training
Students in Ms. Swedberg's Forensic Science class learned about blood by testing their blood to see what blood type they are.
about 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
Student testing blood
Student testing blood
Student testing blood
Student testing blood
The GFW team celebrated our dedicated and amazing staff today including celebrating our retirees and years of service awards! 5 YEARS: John Wisch 10 YEARS: Melissa Hanson, Otto Hartmann, Deb Kammerlander, Teresa Olson, Sheryl Peters, Tara Rettmann, Sharon Schiro, Christine Unger, Travis Vorwerk, Brian Weir 15 YEARS: John Krueger, Jennifer Thompson 20 YEARS: Jill Berdan, Macord Johnson, Daniel Kaiser 30 YEARS: Jenny O’Connor RETIREES: John Wisch - 5 years, Ardie Seehafer - 17 years, Jeff Seehafer - 33 years Thank you to all of our amazing teachers, leaders, and staff members for your dedication to the GFW community!
about 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
Staff Breakfast
Staff with ten years of service
Staff with fifteen years of service
Staff with fifteen years of service
Celebrating retirees
Celebrating retiring teacher
GFW Elementary staff says goodbye to a great school year! Not pictured: photographer and principal Jennifer Thompson!
about 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
GFW Elementary staff
Fourth grade students were able to make slime on the last day of school. Students were given glue, contact solution, and baking soda and mixed it all together, and if their slime didn’t turn out, they had to figure out if what secret ingredient needed to be added to make it better. It was so enjoyable to see the kiddos, helping each other out and finding a solution!
about 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
Students making slime
Students making slime
Students making slime
Students making slime
Students making slime
Students making slime
Students at GFW Elementary received a warm welcome from Mrs. Sharon Schiro to celebrate the last day of school!
about 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
Mrs. Schiro welcoming students
Mrs. Schiro welcoming students
Mrs. Schiro welcoming students
Mrs. Schiro welcoming students
Mrs. Schiro welcoming students
Mrs. Schiro welcoming students
Mrs. Schiro welcoming students
Students at GFW Elementary were so excited to celebrate the class of 2023 today!
over 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
Students holding signs
Students were honored as Elite Award Letter recipients last night at the Letterman’s Banquet. Congratulations to all students who have lettered in athletics and activities throughout the year!
over 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
Letterman's banquet winners
Great times were had at the GFW Elementary end of the year T-Bird Way Celebration today!
over 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
Kids at the end of year celebration
student showing off a temporary tattoo
students and teachers with sno cones
end of year celebration
Students in third grade had a great time at their field trip to the Minnesota Zoo!
over 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
Field trip to the zoo
Field trip to the zoo
Field trip to the zoo
Field trip to the zoo
Field trip to the zoo
Field trip to the zoo
Gathering for the field trip
Students in Ms. Holmgren's Kindergarten class have been welcoming newly hatched chicks. They presented to their families and to third graders about what they learned during the process of watching the chicks develop and grow! They celebrated the birthday of four chicks and named their little friends Lily, Mario, Frosting and Liberty!
over 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
Class photo
Kindergarten students presenting
Kindergarten students presenting
Kindergarten students presenting
Teacher handing baby chick to a student
Teacher handing baby chick to a student
student observing baby chicks
students doing an art project
students observing baby chicks
Students in Ms. O'Neill's English 11 classes hosted a panel discussion with Vietnam Vets Joe Dolly, Ron Trebelhorn, Tom Frank and Bob Paulson. This discussion was a follow up-connection to reading Minnesota author Tim O'Brien's book "The Things They Carried." English 12 students also talked to the vets comparing World War II to Vietnam after reading Night by Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel.
over 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
Veteran guest speakers
Class listening to speakers
Music students in first through fourth grade put on a piano recital for each other last week! They spent a couple of days each week in the piano lab getting ready and each student chose a song to play.
over 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
piano recital
piano recital
piano recital
It was a beautiful day for outdoor learning! Kindergarten classes had STEAM and music outside today and got to sing together with Ms. Gertz under the tree.
over 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
kids singing outside
Elementary students used LEGO SPIKE Essential kits and software to make some moving creations!
over 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
Students creating with LEGO SPIKE
Students creating with LEGO SPIKE
Students creating with LEGO SPIKE
Students creating with LEGO SPIKE
One more post of picture's from the triumphant return of Grandparent's Day to GFW Elementary School last week!
over 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day
Grandparents Day
Students put their greenhouse skills to the Lodge in Winthrop to plant flowers and spend some time with the residents!
over 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
Students visiting residents at the lodge
Students planting flowers
students planting flowers
Students planting flowers
Students planting flowers
Students planting flowers
Students were excited to be able to share their work with their visitors last week. Thanks again to all the grandparents and grand people who spent time at GFW Elementary!
over 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
Grandparent's Day
Grandparent's Day
Grandparent's Day
Grandparent's Day
Grandparent's Day
Grandparent's Day
Grandparent's Day
Grandparent's Day
Grandparent's Day
Grandparent's Day
Evening of Excellence by the numbers: 20 GFW Seniors and 7 Alumni were honored with 113 scholarships for a grad total of $245,700! This is amazing!
over 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
Evening of Excellence
Evening of Excellence
Evening of Excellence
Evening of Excellence
Evening of Excellence
Evening of Excellence
It was great to be able to welcome so many grand people to GFW Elementary last week for Grandparent's Day!
over 1 year ago, GFW Public Schools
Grandparent's Day
Grandparent's Day
Grandparent's Day
Grandparent's Day
Grandparent's Day
Grandparent's Day
Grandparent's Day
Grandparent's Day
Grandparent's Day
Grandparent's Day