Early Childhood Screening

It is state law that every child entering kindergarten in a public school must have had a developmental screening.

If children are screened in another community the results from the screenings must be submitted to the Elementary School Office prior to school entrance.

Preschool student playing with toys

Student and teacher working on work

Early Childhood Screening is scheduled for:
GFW will be offering health screenings for children 3 years old by September 1, 2024 or for any child that has not yet been screened. Screening will take place on Thursday, September 5, 2024 at the GFW Elementary School in Gibbon. Minnesota requires all children to be screened prior to kindergarten entrance. You will receive an invitation in August if your child is 3 years of age. If you do not receive an invite and your child has not yet been screened, please call Tonia Schiro at 507-207-2236.

What to Expect at Screening:
Children participate in an evaluation of speech language, fine and gross motor skills, behavioral, social and emotional development, hearing and vision, height and weight measurement, immunization recording and a parental question and answer period.

How to Arrange a Screening:
Call the Early Childhood Family Education Office at 507-207-2236 to set up an appointment for your child.