Community Schools
GFW Public Schools is proud to be a Full-Service Community Schools District to provide even more benefits to our community. Our goal is to increase access to a variety of services that increase academic achievement in our students, health and wellness supports for all, and be a connection for resources for anyone in the GFW community!
A Community School is:
A set of school and community partnerships
A community hub
Serves the “whole” child
Integrated co-located, coordinated & comprehensive services
Provides access to health & family resources
Offers educational and support services to families and community members

4 Pillars
There are four pillars of Community Schools:
Active Family and Community Engagement: Essential for strong relationships, shared decisions and building capacity for all
Expanded and Enriched Learning Time and Opportunities: Extra learning time to support students’ academic, social, and emotional growth
Integrated Student Supports: A range of services and supports to address academic and nonacademic barriers to students’ education, wellness, and success
Collaborative Leadership and Practice: A shared vision and goals and shared responsibility that allows for individual expertise to be leveraged
Below is a list of resources for families and community members. If you have a resource you'd like to share, connect with us at