Updated April 12, 2023 :
Unofficial Election Results - Voters Approve Both Questions
Building Foundations for Future Leaders.
Strong Schools. Strong Community. Future Focused.
GFW Public Schools continues to follow the guiding principles of keeping students safe, exceeding area schools with excellent programming that students deserve, and maintaining facilities while preparing for an eventual transition to a PreK-12 facility.
Our district will hold a two-question building bond referendum on Tuesday, April 11, 2023 to address facility challenges with proposals to build a new school in one of two possible configurations. In addition, if a single-site PreK-12 option is approved, the district will be able to offer voters the opportunity to revoke and replace the current operating levy at a reduced rate due to the savings of operating a single facility via an upcoming election in November.
The district is required by law to communicate factual information on any referendum request, which is a responsibility we take seriously. These web pages provide an overview of the proposed plans, the process that led to the referendum, the timing of proposals, and the cost, while keeping our work as educators and a community school as a top priority.
Our community has a long history of collaboration when it comes to our students and we look forward to building on that tradition with upcoming engagement opportunities to seek community involvement in the priorities for a new facility to develop a truly community-centered school.
If you have additional questions or would like more information, please contact Superintendent Dr. Jeff Horton
Prepared and paid for by Independent School District No. 2365 (GFW Public Schools), 323 East 11th Street Gibbon, MN 55335